Why are weeds considered ugly plants?
They are but the most beautiful anomaly in this cruel and unfair world.
Despite the lack of water and necessary care,
they still manage to find a way through the tightest and inhospitable of cracks,
chasing the warm kiss of the sun,
and to be showered by the cleansing rain.
But when they do overcome their hardships,
greedily, unrelenting hands reach down,
and strip down them from the earth,
pulling out their roots away.
Then the place that they worked so hard to exist in,
is taken over by some eye-pleasing blossom.
Real beauty is not found in those that are given everything,
but rather in that of striving to simply be,
to overcome obstacles.
and rise above,
no matter the circumstance.
There is something beautiful about that fight and determination,
and nothing profound about a flower that is nourished with constant love and
because they will only grow to be weak and fragile.
Now many of you have been asking me where did I get my inspiration from. So from now on I will be telling you. So today I had nothing to do so I went outside in my garden to do some weeding next thing it started raining OK time for a cup of tea and wait till the rain stop then start again. Oh! Only it rained again time for a cup of coffee and write a poem. OK I missed a bit there, between cup of tea and coffee and it stopped raining. So back to the garden I went.
Then my attention was on weeds they are most unpleasing thing in the garden anyone can think off. But why? This question was main focus of the poem. You are forever pulling weeds out of the ground. I do wonder how they pop out of the earth surface.
Was that the rained suddenly stopped. I think it is time to some more weeding. Off I go!
Wednesday, 29 July 2015
Monday, 27 July 2015
Why I love friends (And You Should, Too!)
It wasn't till on Saturday when my Grandma goes 'What have you been up to?' Till I realized I spend the whole week meeting up with my friends. And I treasure those memories that I get to see them. As during college my main focus on holidays is to get majority of the assignments done.
Have you got a brain?
Well, I met up with Tia in the morning to do something. Then I know Lawrence has got a half day at sixth form so why not have picnic. Before I know it, Emily was there and Lydia. All my friends in one hit. Well! What a day. So we played card games, first game was go fish. You know the game where you ask people for a card and if they have it you get the card/s or if they don't they say go fish and you pick a card? Well, I get lucky sometimes and when I ask people if they have card I get three cards. We then played a game that Tia learned us to play. Then we played a game of cheat, now this game isn't my cup of tea. Why does my family have a gene to make facial expressions when we are lying? Not good. Then we played uno.
Enough of playing card games. Lets play something else. Well when I was in USA in Easter Sarah and Robert played a game called mind trap. I also found that game at home. That is exactly what we played with. What a game! Tia and Lawrence was team Pebbles and Emily and I were team Emily while Lydia was the Quiz master. It definitely made us think outside the box. One of the questions was this 'A women from New York married ten different men that city, yet she did not break any law. none of the men died, and she was not divorced. How was this possible? So many answers can solve this. The women was a minster. Now see if you have a brain. How many three cent stamps are in a dozen? Put your answer downstairs in the comment box. You will just have to wait until next week for the answer. No cheating!
I am glad to announce team Emily won!
- So what memories is there from today? Well a lot, you got Lydia and her rubik's cube. Lydia was so determined to get it done. Lawrence not got with times it thought he finished it at 12:15 but actually he finished at 1:15. Well that just means we eat the food before he joins us. Emily made Tia laugh by looking at her. Tia and her marvelous secret sauce which is great for dipping bread in. Now what did I do? I played with the impuzzlable.
Lunch club
I helped out with lunch club from my church that I sometime attend. It was good fun helping. Most of the cooking was done so I just helped out by setting out the tables and chairs and of course washed up. It was great to talk to my friends that I don't get to see that often either from church club or just the church. Just because you don't see them often doesn't mean they are forgotten. That works on both sides.
We then had the quiz. It wasn't our normal quiz book which I call evil because I can't get them all wrong. But this quiz book was definitely triple evil as I got none right. Then we did who wants to a millionaire worksheet now this was the one I like as I got 7/14 not bad.
I than read my book, then just checked my Skype messages as you do. Then I saw Tia saying 'Are you free? I need help on my application.' So Tia dropped by at my house and I helped Tia get some ideas on how to answer the questions. It was a great pleasure to help someone out, I didn't think I was doing much by shortening the question out and ask mini ones but Tia was grateful.
- So what memories is there from today? Well the funny thing was that Tia picked a leaflet up about open gardens at the same time as Tia was talking about the plan for job hunting and I said at the wrong time I forgot about that? Tia just being Tia.
Job hunt time
If you been reading my post from the start you all know how I despite my job. Well all my other friends need or would like a job so we walked to Camberley got a Job Vacancies list then it was time for lunch. We went to KFC and then put a start or a symbol on the jobs we would like to do, with mine there was pattern forming I was putting stars on coffee jobs. Then we went to Water-stones and Tia dropped her application off while I was talking to someone in Water-stones about Go set a watchmen. A lot of my friends read classics I read a few and enjoy reading them, so I got the book that my friends been persuading me to read since last year and it was to kill a mockingbird I nearly finished, it was a good read. So thanks for my friends to have the patience and I can't wait to read my classics with you all.
We went to Caffe Nero mainly because I was cold but also because there was offering a job. It was also hiring for someone.
- So what memories is there from today? Well you had me not recognize Callum, Sophie and Catherine. That's was not good more embarrassing. Tia and I discussing how to make hot chocolate and coffee. Emily was company. Lawrence was a gentleman and walked everyone home.
Keep calm and drink more hot chocolate!
You think you had enough walking my friends. Nope Tia, Lawrence and I walked to Crowthrone to drop my book off the library and we went the cookie jar. There cakes were so spectacular decorated with flowers and the flowers looked like there were actual flower. I had a cappuccino cake with an hot chocolate. It was very tasty indeed.
We then went to the park and talked for a while, and also played on the exercise things.
- So what memories is there from today? Me getting cold and using Lawrence as a blanket. Tia getting confused with still water and sparkling water. Lawrence going to Lidi I am sure that his favorite shop.
Day with my Mom!!
It was a rainy day that didn't dampen Mom and our spirits to go to Reading to do some shopping. So after I put my book down and got ready to we set of to go Sandhurst Station got the train then we went to shops that sell walking shoes since I wore mine out. It was then lunch time, we had a sandwhich and I had a cake.
We went to John Lewis for my Mom's needles while I was looking at books for knitting then my Mom got me the book and some wool and needles. I am going to learn to knit and make a hat. I shall I say I will try to learn and not give up when things aren't perfect.
We then had a lovely evening with my folks friends.
- So what memories is there from today? Everthing is so expensive.
I thought about the cake I had this week and meeting my friends. What happens if you mix them. Oh of course a poem!
The Cake Of Friendship
Preheat the oven of love
With plenty of secrets and hugs
Mix in giggle and laughs
That make your sides split in half
Bake with love and care
And all things you both should share
Decorate with the frosting of trust
This is really a must
Enjoy the cake do not eat it fast
Just like your new friendships make it last.
Wednesday, 22 July 2015
Journey of life
Have you ever driven down a road?
Just to drive with no destination in mind.
The road seems to go on and on.
With no stopping point.
Life is like that long road on and on.
Not knowing when it's going to end.
Crystal stairs "Where will you lead,
Offering steps in our time off need...
A luminous path from here it seems,
a crystal spiral of lucid dreams?"
Unlike crystal memories destined
never to grow;
You call us toward a future beyond what
we know.
Like footsteps learned in ones car.
A journey of remembering held so dear.
Beyond imagination in a forgotten land,
Crystal climbers reach out with a loving
Lifting our hearts like magic it seems
this staircase of crystal truly is made of
But strive for another tomorrow.
Crystal stairs "Where will you lead,
Offering steps in our time off need...
A luminous path from here it seems,
a crystal spiral of lucid dreams?"
Unlike crystal memories destined
never to grow;
You call us toward a future beyond what
we know.
Like footsteps learned in ones car.
A journey of remembering held so dear.
Beyond imagination in a forgotten land,
Crystal climbers reach out with a loving
Lifting our hearts like magic it seems
this staircase of crystal truly is made of
But strive for another tomorrow.
Hoping in the long run.
Everything will turn out alright.
Just like the road.
It must come to an end.
Saturday, 18 July 2015
Week with my Grandparents
I don't get to spend time with my grandparents so when I have the chance I like their company. This week was not like last week, not doing adventures instead of Tesco's. No spectacular views to look at. It was more time to catch up with family and read a book with coffee or tea.
Tuesday I had lunch out in the hungry horse the Gloster. It was different not going in the Gloster in the afternoon after my college even though my grandparents did offer me to drop me off at college. I got no work to do, so there wasn't much point even though I do miss college and not having work to do in the evening. We also went to Asda's, to do some food shopping. Yes! We did actually go to Asda we didn't do any detours! Though I would fancy doing a detour instead of food shopping. Who like food shopping these days?
Wednesday. What did we do on Wednesday? Well Wednesday was my first day of doing writing Wednesday. Here is the post if you haven't alrady checked it out http://she-learns-she-goes.blogspot.co.uk/search/label/Writing%20Wednesday. We also went to Farnbrough first stop of the afternoon was B&Q. Second stop was Adsa'a to get ice cream. Who can resit ice cream on a sunny day? Third stop was some random shops I can't remember all the shops we went to. But fourth stop was of course Wh Smith and get books. YAY!! I can never ever go WH Smith without buying books. Or go to a book shop without getting books. My book shelf may not like me, as I got no room on my bookshelf. I may need to get another one before I buy any more books.
Thursday we went out for the day, We were suppose to be heading to Bournemouth but since it wasn't a good day for Grandma sister we went to Bognor. I haven't been for ages it was really good to revisit though. We had a picnic in the car with ham and cheese sandwiches. We then had a quick walk at the seafront then went into town then I found a book shop, Oh dear, have a problem. Of course more books. Then we heard strange news that Mc Donadld closed what down. Yep, you heard Mc Donaald closed down. Instead we went to Greegs for coffee. Then more shops, it was only bonmarche and I got a new summer jumper for the evening.
Friday was time to go back home.
Summary of this week was spending time with grandparents and relax. I intended not to do much apart from walking and reading and go out for the afternoon.
I just want to conclude with a poem that I made especially for my grandparents.
It's sometimes hard to put in words,
just what I'd like say.
But always know you're thought of,
in a very strange way.
Though the distance in between us.
keep us miles apart.
There'll always be a special place,
for you within my heart.
Tuesday I had lunch out in the hungry horse the Gloster. It was different not going in the Gloster in the afternoon after my college even though my grandparents did offer me to drop me off at college. I got no work to do, so there wasn't much point even though I do miss college and not having work to do in the evening. We also went to Asda's, to do some food shopping. Yes! We did actually go to Asda we didn't do any detours! Though I would fancy doing a detour instead of food shopping. Who like food shopping these days?
Wednesday. What did we do on Wednesday? Well Wednesday was my first day of doing writing Wednesday. Here is the post if you haven't alrady checked it out http://she-learns-she-goes.blogspot.co.uk/search/label/Writing%20Wednesday. We also went to Farnbrough first stop of the afternoon was B&Q. Second stop was Adsa'a to get ice cream. Who can resit ice cream on a sunny day? Third stop was some random shops I can't remember all the shops we went to. But fourth stop was of course Wh Smith and get books. YAY!! I can never ever go WH Smith without buying books. Or go to a book shop without getting books. My book shelf may not like me, as I got no room on my bookshelf. I may need to get another one before I buy any more books.
Thursday we went out for the day, We were suppose to be heading to Bournemouth but since it wasn't a good day for Grandma sister we went to Bognor. I haven't been for ages it was really good to revisit though. We had a picnic in the car with ham and cheese sandwiches. We then had a quick walk at the seafront then went into town then I found a book shop, Oh dear, have a problem. Of course more books. Then we heard strange news that Mc Donadld closed what down. Yep, you heard Mc Donaald closed down. Instead we went to Greegs for coffee. Then more shops, it was only bonmarche and I got a new summer jumper for the evening.
Friday was time to go back home.
Summary of this week was spending time with grandparents and relax. I intended not to do much apart from walking and reading and go out for the afternoon.
I just want to conclude with a poem that I made especially for my grandparents.
It's sometimes hard to put in words,
just what I'd like say.
But always know you're thought of,
in a very strange way.
Though the distance in between us.
keep us miles apart.
There'll always be a special place,
for you within my heart.
Wednesday, 15 July 2015
Life is a roll coaster! Read and all will be explained.
Now don't get used to having two post in the same day. I know I said in the other post, I will write something in the evening when I can't sleep. Since today is Wednesday I might as well write something. Why wait for next week, when I can start now?
Hold on tightly and enjoy the ride.
Hold on tightly and enjoy the ride.
Life is a roll coaster ride
Life is a roll coaster ride
Or a game of ticket to ride
It slows at times, speeds at times
It scares at time, thrills at times
Life is like a roll coaster
It's full of ups and downs
Be prepared for the ride
Put on the seat belt!
Hold on tight and enjoy the ride
And close your eyes when it dives!
Oh, did you feel the rush
Of the air when you plunge
Up you go and down you come
Same as in the journey of life
If there is no down there won't be up
So do not frown, do not sigh
Smile and bravely face the sunshine
My inspiration was from my own life experiences it goes up and down then I remembered going to Thorpe Park with my friends last year. As you guessed I put together and made a poem. As you all know that roll coaster goes up and down and so does life.
Am I missing writting assignments?
I am finding it difficult to sleep at nights. My mind buzzing with thoughts and feelings. I overcame this in college term by doing my assignments. Now college finished, I got no more assignments to do. With assignments I had to research something and put it into my word format and of course in my own words.
Am I missing doing assignments? At the time I thought there were annoying never ending. Maybe I loved writing, it would explain why they were incredibly long.
So I was thinking. I should really invent some writing time in the evenings when I just can't sleep. Then popped in my head was writting Wednesday. So every Wednesday I will post something that I wrote not entirely sure what. Maybe short stories. This is more for me you might have fun reading too.
Don't worry my fellow friends. I will still be posting other things that I do. You will get two post per week. At the moment, may change when I'm back at college.
You just got to watch this space for writting Wednesday.
Saturday, 11 July 2015
A well-deserved holiday
Life is been a bit hectic over a couple of weeks. With never
ending assignments to do, it seems you do one assignments then another one is
thrown at you. That is life at college for you. There was also a presentation
evening, I was not expecting award at all as I was working at the same level
from September but other people in my class as worked ever so hard over last
couple of months so they should be awarded. However, to my surprise I got an
award for the academic achievement. Now, I am so pleased with that. The last day off
college I got told my final grade, I’m so pleased to say I got D*D (Distinction
star Distinction)
I think that deserves a holiday. Don’t you?
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My packing nearly layout!! |
The day arrived to go on holiday. You know the boring day
where you pack, get things it suit case have a conversation with yourself shall
I bring one book or two. Sometimes I wish you could have a Marry Poppins bag
that fits everything in so you can take your whole wardrobe. I just took random
clothes from my sofa and some out of my wardrobe and hope for the best. Mom
nearly took the whole kitchen, O.K. it was only the steamer, saucepan, tin
opener and vegetable peeler. The boring packing has been done, I think I have
took the most stuff, I took my suitcase, my laptop to watch films, two bags one
bag that I take every day and one for the car journey to have my books in, and
not forgetting my teddy bear Rodger.
Please excuse the mess underneath my bed and the keyboard.
The journey itself was not too bad like going to Newcastle
last year in October where we was stuck in every single traffic there could ever be. I watched a fantastic film the
princess bride and read my book the
girl online. Not forgetting the spectacular views I saw while listening to
the radio or even listening to my own music.
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Seafront in Combe Martin |
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Church |
Time to go Tesco's
We did not bring much food with us, as we didn’t know how
big the fridge was going to be. Therefore, since we know the fridge size we
ought to get some food for the fridge. Alternatively, shall I say that was the
plan? But oh no, we went to Bideford instead to go to Pannier Market but then
we noticed the tour bus and the lady gave us a leaflet about the times of the
guides and different guides you could do. So we went to the art gallery to book ourselves in. Best of all it was free and you get so much information. Mom wanted a drink
of water instead we got ice cream. You can see a theme starting here.
Bideford is an attractive town of West Bank of the River
Torridge, where the river begins to widen to form the estuary. The old road has
a lovely old bridge crossing the Torridge linking the town of Bideford to its
neighbouring village East of the Water. The impressive arched stone of the
bridge was built in 1535. The original bridge was built from timber in 1300,
and was replaced by a stone bridge in the 15th century. Various
adaptions have been made to the bridge throughout the intervening years.
With so much information to soak up with, we went into the
café and a lovely lunch then it was time to go back to where we were staying. I
was so tired so slept in the car. Got back to where we was staying I made the
curry read my book with a cup of tea, while Mom and Dad went for a walk in
Combe Martin. We had a lovely curry that which made from Mom and I. What a team
we made? While reading my book Dad and I admired the lovely sunset. I can get
used to this type of lifestyle.
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What a lovely sunset?Another adventure to Tesco's |
Dad tried to wake me up one morning and I fell asleep again
my Mom then woke me up. I now should wake up. Had a lovely breakfast just in
time too as we has power cut. I got myself ready to go outside in the rain. Dad
took the car to Combe Martin and we walked around the craft fair then popped in
some shops then the rain suddenly stopped. We went to the museum and it was
free to enter you learned about the history of the Combe Martin and the
surrounding area.
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What a great puzzle this would make? |
We then went Ilfracombe that is a seaside resort and civil parish
on the North Devon coast, with a small harbour, surrounded by cliffs. We were
going to go to Tesco’s to get some picnic things for tomorrow.
We then stumbled over to Verity statue which is a stainless
steel and bronze statue created by Damien Hirst. The 20.25-metre tall sculpture
stands on the pier at the entrance to the harbour in Ilfracombe looking out
over the Bristol Channel towards South Wales. Furthermore, Statue Verity is
higher than the Angle of the North. It
has been loaned to the town for 20 years. The name of the piece refers to
‘truth’ and Hirst describes his work as a ‘modern allegory of truth and
The sculpture was cast in stainless steel and bronze in 40
separate sections by Pangolin Editions. The sword, which gives Statue much of its
height, and the upper left arm is one of polymer-strengthen fibreglass piece.
I am afraid we did not go to Tesco’s. Though I wish all
Tesco’s trips comes like this. Now wouldn’t that be splendid? But we did have
walk around Ilfracombe town had lunch and not forgetting the ice cream. Therefore,
it was a good day out.
The day has ended with a lovely homemade roast dinner by my
Can we actually go to Tesco?
The house was commissioned by Colonel John Palmer Chichester
(1769-1823) to the design of the North Devon architect Thomas Lee replacing the
earlier Georgian house of about 1790, built on a different site and demolished,
designed by John Meadows. Arlington Court was considerably expanded in 1865 by
John Palmer Chichester’s grandson, Sir Alexander Palmer Bruce Chichester, 2nd
Baronet (1842-1881) son of Sir John Palmer Bruce Chichester 1st
Baronet (1851).
We take granted for the car or even more when we go on long
journeys, a trip to town. Could you imagine going on a long journey in a
carriage? Having the right type of carriage was a sign of good taste and
wealth. At the museum, we saw forty different types’ carriages that were on
display, people privately owned all from middle class families to earls and
lords, and even Queen Victoria.
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What a an entrance to a garden? |
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What a view?What a day! |
parked the car up and plotted around in the high street in Barnstaple and not
forgetting our lunch, it was very tasty indeed. There was also a market that we
went too it was very big. We went to the tourist information place to see what
we can do and to our surprise there was museum best of all it was free. Barnstaple
Museum was the perfect way to find out more about North Devon it has
collections and displays cover the national and human history of this beautiful
part of the country. Highlights of the museum include the Tarka Gallery, the
story of North Devon and the Regimental Collection of the Royal Devon Yeomanry.
Did you know that Barnstaple is the main town of the North
Devon and possibly the oldest borough in the United Kingdom? It is a former
river-port, located at the lowest crossing point of the River Taw, flowing into
the Bristol Channel.
From the 14th century, it was licensed to export
wool, since the merchant has claimed that the town had been declared a free
borough in Saxon times. This brought great wealth to Barnstaple, whose town
centre still preserves a medieval layout and character. Later the town became
an importer of Irish wool, but its harbour silted up, and it developed other
industries, such as shipbuilding, foundries and sawmills. Its Victorian market
survives, with its high glass and timber roof on iron columns. Barnstaple
railway station is the terminus of a branch line from Exeter, known as the
Tarka Line.
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Woolacome beach |
I fell asleep in the car again the next stop was going to be
Woolacombe only one problem we was greeted by the car parking waning further
£3:00 it didn’t matter if we were going to stay for an hour or three it was
cost £3:00. We weren’t going to pay £3:00 for hour when we have already went to
Woolacombe and it was only a short drop by for ice-cream and a drink.
Maybe because Woolacombe is privately owned that is why we
were greeted by the heavy car parks charge?
The great flood
We firstly went to Lynton, plotted around there for a bit,
and did some window-shopping then we saw this cliff railway and decided to go
to on it to go to Lynmouth. So how does this amazing old technology works well
read on and all will be explain. When each car is ‘docked’ with full water
tanks (700 gallons) at both stations, the cars are in balance (weighing the
same) and are ready for loading. The lower car has a water operated locking
device which clamps the car to the bottom station. Got me so far? When loaded
the drivers use pre-arranged bell signals, unlock the safety locking
device-then both cars brakes are released. The lower driver then discharges
water (if required) to make the top car heavier. The top car then rolls down
the rails-at the same time pulling the lower car up. How cool is that?
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Cliff railway |
In Lynmouth I learned about the great flood that happened in
1952 which claimed 34 lives. It was the worst post-war flooding disaster in
Britani. The flooding occurred on 15th August 1952, after nine
inches of rain fell in the space of 24 hours. The downpour caused a wall of
water to surge down from Exmoor onto Lynmouth. The East and West Lyn rivers,
which drop down from Exmoor, were swollen even before the storm. In all, 34
people in Lymouth and surrounding hamlets were killed, and 39 buildings
collapsed. The army was drafted in to help with the clear up. (video if you
want more information https://youtu.be/u6Urpw3AQDU)
Mom and I had the amazing, cheesy cheeseburger and Dad had
the long awaited Crab sandwich for lunch. I then got told I’m paying for the
ice-cream so Mom and Dad threatened me for them to get the expensive ones. We
walked out of the cafe Dad saw his ice-cream cone the Digger. I do not think
that would be suitable but it probably will not stop him. Lucky we was all full
from our amazing lunch I didn’t had to pay for ice-creams. Now that was result.
Made Mom happy
So last evening we got the map out and plan the next
adventure out only one problem there was no more places we can as we done it
before. However, there was one castle that my Mom went 25 years ago when she
lived in Minehead and walked all the way to the castle only finding it was close.
Therefore, Mom wanted to go there and there was no other places to go. Therefore,
Dad goes “Guessing our next adventure will be at Dunster Castle.” That is
exactly where we went.
It’s going to be a long history of Dunster, hope you are
O.K. reading never ending pargrpahs and you all will be rewared with a video.
Right let’s begin the history of Dunster castle. Generally
Dunster is one of the more perfectly preserved medieval villages in England,
with its origins dating back to the times of Bronze and Iron Age Britain.
One of Willam Of Normandy’s chief supporters in his conquest
of England was William de Mohun, who came from St. Lo, not far from Bayeux in
Normandy. After the battle of Hastings in 1066 William de Mohun was granted
sixty-nine West Country Manors incuding Dunster. This is where he decided to
build the castle which was to become the administrative centre for his castle
was the making town of the town. In 1197 it was described as a borough and by
1222 known to have a market. While the De Mohuns were living in the Castle,
Dunster thrived as a well-established centre in the cloth and woollen industry,
with the first recorded fulling mill noted in 1259.
Since you read the never-ending paragraphs, I congratulate
you. With a video https://youtu.be/MwDi1j0_Y1k
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Castle |
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Mom and Dad enjoying the sun! |
Our day came to a close with a delightful evening out in the
pack of cards.
Pack of cards
No! It is not actually a pack of cards that you may be
thinking of. In fact, it a wonderful pub situated in the beautiful seaside town
of Combe Martin. Constructed to reassemble a deck of cards, it was built on a
plot of land measuring 52ft X 52ft. It has four flours (representing the number
of suits in a pack). Thirteen doors on every floor and 13 fireplaces (number of
cards in a suit) and prior to window tax, the panes of glass in the entire
window added up the total of the numbered cards in a pack (52.) We also went to
pack of cards for dinner on Thursday evening, and it was very tasty on the
expensive side of life but it was worth every penny especially the sweet
potatoes chips.
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Pack of cards pub!!More photos |
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