Circles and holes
Bundles of circles, strung up in a ball.
In the fireplace close to the hall.
Ethnic and beautiful.
Really groovy.
A fear of grouped together circles and holes.
Distress in a ball by design.
Take that ball of trypophobia.
Throw it back me.
My friends learned that 'trypophobia' is a phobia of clustered holes. My friends being wonderful friend decided to show me a picture of holes and I absolutely got scared. That is what you call a trypophobia. Another phobia to put on the list. This was not the poem I was going to put up today.
Forgive and forget
Trials of life may cause us to fret,
Burdens often are heavy for us to bear;
We may be offended by someone and yet,
We need to place it all into God's care.
It is difficult, sometimes, to forgive,
It's even more trouble-some to forget;
We must press on...forgive...and live,
God is not finished with us yet.
Someone may have troubled you this day,
Leaving you disgusted and discouraged too;
Pause a moment and take time to pray,
Let God have His loving way within you.
It may be difficult for you to let-go,
Pause and think of what Jesus would do;
He is our Saviour and Best Friend to know,
He wants to guide you all of life through.
We must not let anger or bitterness take root,
Jesus did not let these things enter into Him;
We will be known to others by our fruit,
Take a moment to forgive and begin again.
Jesus set the example while on the Cross,
"Father, forgive them...they know not what they do"
This is the prayer He prayed and all because...
We must learn to forgive and then forget, too.
Your theme this week of poem was forgiveness. If you live near Sandhurst area, I more encourage you to go to the the forgiveness project exhibition that my church is hosting from now till October 1st. It opens till 9:00am till 9:00pm. Best of all it's free and you are rewarded with tea or coffee and maybe cakes and biscuits. Further more this has what really inspired me to write this poem in the first place. One of the stories I read was how a daughter forgave a father who killed her mother. I'm not going to say any more. If you want any more information then here is a website Please let me know down in the comments section whether you went to the exhibtion.
We waste most of the time,
trying to find that one thing we all desire,
But what we all do not know is,
happiness lies in everything,
even the littlest things.
Happiness lies in a beautiful day,
where the sun is up,
and the sky is in a shade of blue.
Happiness lies in the people we love,
a lover,
a friend,
a family member.
Happiness lies in a good cup of coffee,
and a friend we share lovely conversations with.
Happiness lies in wonderful moments,
Happiness lies in music,
the ones we dance and sing along to.
Happiness lies in someone's laughter,
and a smile so bright,
it shines one's heart.
Happiness lies in everything surrounding us.
Did I say not let me write three poems before? I think you are imagining it. I had a great talk with my friend and watching a video about what is happiness. Everyone happiness is different from one person it could be the sunset the other one could be writing a story. But there is one thing that is really important is that happiness always near us like saying a good joke or being really crazy in front of your friends. Just becareful showing your craziness you might just be called crazy. Or weird and wacky names such as Tigger. You know from Whinne The Pooh? What a great childhood?!?!
Hope you liked one of these poems. I wonder what was your favourite poems on this post or other post I did.