A lot of my blogs that I read do this thing off a monthly wrap up of what they done every month. I thought this might be a good thing. A) keeps me posting on my blog and actual find an excuse to post something. B) keeps my friends and family updated of what I do. (and I can remember what I did each month and actual remember taking photos.) Two good things that can't be bad, huh?
I am hoping to do a reflection of what happened each month and a few extra things.
Here is the first installment of Becca Monthly Musings!
January 1st all you hear, is 'What is your New Year's resolutions?' Now I do take part in this but only for me. Then all of this is like a new year new me. Well if we think about this everyday's a new day to you. Therefore if you did not take part in the New Year's Resolution you still got tomorrow or even next month you do not have to wait for next year.
On News Years Day we had a roast dinner and we had Christmas crackers. Finally I had a hat that actual stayed on my head I even managed to sleep with it on. Do no ask me how as I have no idea. Dad and I visited my Grandparents in Fleet and had a lovely cake and coffee. Thank goodness we were able to do this as many people were affected with the flood. We had rain we had floods but not a bad flood that came in our house more the river overflowed apart from that we were not affected. Such a shame we had the floods at Christmas such a bad timing but there again there is never a good time for having a flood. Is there?
I managed to cycle to college without any problems this month. I haven't been on my bike since last year in the rain and I wanted to cycle back in September then it got dark at the time I had no bike lights. My determination for getting back on my bike was the train always cancelled especially in the rain. Funny isn't? A time when you do not want trains to be late they are late. And cycling is such good fun. I nearly bumped in the Lamppost that would of hurt but I am glad to say I didn't. Otherwise I would once again be called 'bushy Lamppost.' O.K. you now might be asking why is Rebekah calling herself 'bushy Lamppost' to the matter of fact I was walking with two good friends at the time and I was texting my Mom and managed to walk into bush and a Lamppost. Hence the nickname of 'Bushy Lamppost' now that doesn't mean you can to call me 'bushy Lamppost.'
I had lunch out with my Grandparents twice and I once again forget to take photos well I only had an of Monthly Musings a couple of days ago when I phoned my Grandparents up in Newcastle and they asked me "What have you been up to?" My normal answer of course, I replied back saying nothing much just doing assignments. I tell you what, I can get a gold medal for writing useless information in my assignments. Poor lectures it must take a whole two cups of coffee to mark my assignment
This month I went swimming with one of my close friends. She also had a hard time for getting hold of me. I was still up when she Skyped, Phoned and text messaged me. I was very tired and totally forget about swimming even though it was Friday that we thought about swimming. My friend came round to pick me up to go swimming such a good time too as my breakfast and coffee and was ready all I had to do to was get up and out of my bed. I tell you what I can used to this, having my breakfast cooked for me and coffee made. Such a wonderful thing in life. Simple things make you simile.
Swimming was such good fun, firstly we swimmed in the training pool then decided to challenge us and put ourselves in the competition pool we tried to swim the middle lane. Gosh what a shock it is so deep Tia got a shock about how deep it was. Luckily a young lady told us there is a slow lane so off we went to find the slow lane. As you take it was s-l-o-w back to the middle lane. Oh and it was lap around the lane such good fun but very tiring. Then off to our comfort zone in the training pool. Thank goodness I am not swimming to lose weight otherwise I will put all the weight that I just loosed with 1 and 30 minutes swimming session by having a blueberry muffin. Well at the end of that, I had one fruit of a day. Cakes with fruit and vegetables does count your five a day. Right?
It's been a month where Dad and I said emorous 'YES' to cycle 30 miles for charity for British Heart foundation. We have about 4 months to train, I am alright as I commute to college which is around 6 miles so that would add up to 12 miles each day never minding going to the library on some evenings. I tell you what this month has been packed full with exercise I would not be surprised if I go the Olympics. Can you really see me in the Olympics?
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Me in my running gear |
This month I had an opportunity to do Placement and it was at Eagle house school. Such a wonderful school and thanks for having me. What a great pleasure to work at a school never a day is the same and children are so entertaining. On one occasion I had a child who is new ish to the nursery and decided to call all the teachers Miss Cuckoo you shouldn't really laugh but you do. Something that is really cute is when children do not like to do something they make a really silly face hopefully the wind won't change direction otherwise they will end up having that silly face.
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M & M store has star wars theme |
I remember my Dad asking me "What have you got tomorrow?" Meaning lecturers
Me: I got Dementia.
Dad: You better see the doctor.
Yes I really did had Dementia lecture though not Dementia. Where did I misplace my glasses? Oh wait there are on my head! What was that?
Recipe of the month: Mircowave syrup cake in a mug
Many of us have succumbed to the lure of the mid-afternoon microwave cake. There is something satisfyingly indulgent about piling spoonfuls of sugar and flour into a mug, then watching a steaming, sweet-smelling perfectly risen cup come out of the microwave five minutes later.My recipe serve one unless you really want to share a spoon with your family or friends. Me nope a whole cup just for me.
1 slice of butter, (I put two teaspoons of butter in a ramekin and put it in the microwave)
1 egg
2 tablespoons of sugar
4 tablespoon of flour
Heapful of golden syrup (no one is watching you)
Dash of milk
In a mug: melt the the butter in the microwave for 30 to 40 seconds (800 watts). Just be careful if the butter splash in the microwave you can always wipe it off.
Put the flour, sugar, egg and milk and golden syrup and the butter in the mug. Give it good mix and the aim here is to keep everything in the mug and no make a mess. Though if you don't like mess then you could always add the ingredients one by one then mix it together.
Pop the mug in the microwave for a minute if you like it gooey if not then put the cake mixture in the microwave for one minute 20 seconds and (again 800 watts)
Best off all serve with a cup of coffee and enjoy.
Overall this month been packed with exercising and famous people dying. We had David Bowie and the actor Alan Rickman who played professor Snape. My two favourite people in the celebrity world are no longer with us. Was it a coincidence that both of them died aged 69?