OK, I know it's a terrible joke. Right? Just to warn you my fellows readers, I am writing this with endless cups of coffee, you might as well grab a hot drink and get some biscuits out. Just don't let me near those chocolate digestives nor any hobnobs they might end up having legs and go on a walk!!!!!!
This blog has been a bit neglected, hasn't it? Sorry for those who keep refreshing their browsers. I am back to blogging again, I think!! Don't get your hopes ready, though. Guessing this is the point where, I explain why I haven't been blogging. Well if you cast your mind back to the previous post, you can probably tell I am not with it, and struggling with my mental well being. I have been right in the dumps and every time I see the light at the end of the tunnel I get spun around in the dark again. I started typing up the August monthly musings, and I might as well share it with you.
Just how much stuff do I need for a few days away? |
So the last few days of July and beginning of August I was Down South for a very brief few days to see my family and relatives. I had a day swimming with my Cousin Seth, Auntie Clare and my Grandma. All that hard work of swimming and been splashed by Seth it was time for a nice cup of coffee and carrot cake. After all, it has a serving of vegetable so it counts 1 of my 5 day. I had a day seeing my friend from my course in Farnborough for a nice coffee and lunch out. It was such a shame I didn't had a lot of time on my hands otherwise I could go out for a run. I had a very good day with my friends from school which did involve baking from an old fashioned cookery book, marshmallows been thrown at Lawrence and he did some magic in the kitchen, making a cake in 1 minute. (Is that even possible?) Then I met up my with my friend Michal with a nice cup of coffee in my local café, well used to be my local-which was really lovely. Then I walked back to my old house to see my next door neighbour and my parents for the lift back to my Grandparents. Unfortunately I couldn't go out for a run as I ate loads of cake and marshmallows, well the ones that weren't on the floor. Oh yeah, and my friend Lydia did the 'Chubby Bunny' challenge. My last day, was spent in the garden doing gardening! And a very l---o---n---g journey back home. Gosh that was exhausting just writing about it!
That really has been the highlight of the last three-four months. I am going to get back in gear with this monthly catch up starting again in December monthly musings!
Who said, you cannot make a ox bow lake, when you're on the beach? |
Well there is one other thing that happened in August, my friend Lawrence came up for a few days. Which has been a rather busy few days mainly exploring Newcastle and lots of walking!! Who needs a car, when you have feet and a good transport link?! We visited The Angel of North, and visited a beach, though we had to walk quite a bit for our "fish 'n' chips." We walked to a KFC had our brunch, we were half way into town so we decided to walk to town via the cows field. Still hate walking into a cows field, even though we named each cow "Frankie and Bennie." Explored the town center a bit more and went to a tea house. For some odd reason, Lawrence and I decided to watch Tomas the tank engine. I think I can now see, why my friends are bit worried about me!
Sunset by the river tyne!! |
I think this is my new favorite photo! I had my grandparents over for a few days. My Dad walked my grandparents off at Beamish. The next day Dad and I walked my grandparents off in Newcastle city center. The following day my grandparents were planning to go home, maybe it's so they can actually relax!! But they stayed another day to recover from the busy two days. You can tell our family loves walking!! Can't you?
Time for a story. Make that two stories. I went to waitrose to get a sweet treat, only one rule it has to be reduced. Second thing was to get some oil. And finally a free coffee. The person who served me asked, "How old are you?" I said, "I am 19 years old" Can I see your proof, please, you are a bit young to be 19." "HMMMMM, I'm afraid I don't have anything to say that I am 19 years old" My friend Phillipa was giggling to herself near the sweets section. Eventually when she stopped giggling she showed her university card and told the person who served me "She is 19, but acts like a 5 year old" REALLY!!!!!!!
So it's still Halloween, people knocking on your doors for "Trick or treat" I cannot remember what I did last year, and said to my Mum,"I don't think we are going to get a lot of knockers." Oh boy, was I wrong. Every time I was away from the door, there was a knock, I was running saying "I am coming" It started with a box full of sweets thought to myself, these are mine. Surely we will have no knockers. Soon that box full of sweets came to a handful, maybe I should put some fruit in just to make the box more full. Guess what? Children were actually picking the fruit. Next year, the box would only contain the fruit and box with the sweets is mine. I am not sharing. Anyhow, who said sharing is compulsory?
Pondering about life
I have been trying to figure out what I want to do with my life, as in long term and what is the next step on my life journey. Life is never easy, you think you got it figured out. Then it just gives you a massive snake to climb down and you end up where you started. I did a 12 weeks course for level one childcare, which I have passed.
What is not to like about Hygge? |
Thinking about having a year or two working full time, in order to save up money for university to study for psychology. However, I am unsure whether or not this is a good thing to do. As the subject psychology is a very broad subject and I don't really have a career aspiration. Speaking about aspiration, I would like to move to either Denmark or Germany.
I embarked a new project, the project 333 where you have 33 clothes and accessories for three months. That seemed a bit of a daunting project, so I put all the clothes that can only be worn in one season in a suitcase. Anything that I only wear once in the suitcase. Okay the tricky part, what items of clothing do I not wear? Not an easy task, when you tell yourself 'I will wear that one day' chances are if hasn't been worn that one day you will wear it would never happen. I got a whole suitcase full of clothing that I only wear depending on season, items of clothing that I only worn once. And items of clothing I do not wear. I thought, I would end up buying my clothing or miss my clothes. Actually I don't! And one good thing, is that when I walk into a clothing shop, I don't end up loving things as I used to, instead. I ask myself, "Do I truly need this?" "Can you wear this in other seasons?" "Does it match with the clothing I already have" "Can I afford this?" Which is also goes hand in hand with Frugal living, hence the lookout for reduced sweet treats!
Recipe time
See, I do wash up!!!! |
Before I tell you my recipe, I have to tell you the story first. My parents were out in evening, I was listening to a podcast and knitting away. I was determined to get my back of my jumper done this evening, no matter what time of actually finishing it. None of the chores that should be done was done. So quickly I made a cup of tea, running around to make sure what needs to be done was done. Saw the time! 8:30 Parents are back soon, what can I make really quickly. HMMMM Skype message my friends "Hi, I sort of got carried away with time. I need something quick and easy to cook, any ideas?" One of my friends in Germany called Rachel. Messaged me back, "You can make,
penne all'arrabbiata in thirty minutes." She even gave me a link, I had a chili that needs to be used up and had majority of the ingredients in the house apart from the Pecorino cheese though mature cheddar cheese would do the job.
MMM.... pasta loaded with cheese! |
My adaption to the recipe:
Dash of oil
1 fresh finely chopped chili
1-3 clove of glove finely chopped
1 can of tomatoes (could be chopped or just normal)
1-2 teaspoon of sugar
1 vegetable oxo cube
200g of pasta
Either fresh parsley or dried
Pecorino cheese or any cheese you have
1) Put the kettle on, for the boiling water for pasta and your cup of tea. While the kettle is boiling, put a small pan on medium heat with a dash of oil, meanwhile put the garlic in a class jar with the lid on, and shake it up and down for around 30 seconds this is to take the skin of the garlic off. Chop the garlic up really finely. If you like your food spicy then just chop chili, whereas if you are like me you just like the flavor of chili but not so much of the kick then remove the seeds out of the chili and wash you hands no touching eyes. They will sting like made, even worse than chopping an onion. The kettle should be boiled, so put that into another saucepan, make your cup of tea. Put the garlic and chili in the saucepan for two minutes or until the garlic is soft and golden, whatever you do, do not let it go burn. It taste revolting!
2) Put the pasta in the saucepan full of water.
3) When the chili and garlic turns into that nice golden colour, you put the chopped tomatoes in, if you don't have chopped tomatoes an normal tinned of tomatoes would do. Use scissors to cut the tomatoes up. Season with pepper and salt if you wish, I sometimes find the chopped tomatoes on a sour taste so I put either one teaspoon of sugar in maybe two, with one vegetable oxo cube. You normally dissolve it in boiling water, though sometimes you just want the flavor not the liquid so I find if you grind it with your fingers it does the job.
4) When the pasta is done to your taste, I like my pasta to be al dente, reserve some of the liquid to add to your sauce this will give the sauce more body because of the starchiness. Add the sauce into the pasta for minute.
5) Put your dish in the microwave for a minute, sprinkle some parsley on your penne all'arrabbiata. If you don't have any fresh parsley you could if you wish use dried and put that in the step three after you put the vegetable oxo cube in. Grate some cheese if you got some Pecorino cheese lurking in the fridge than serve it what that, if not and you just got normal cheese in your fridge use that.
6) Enjoy you pasta!