Thursday, 22 March 2018

What a run!

First time ever since a long time, on purpose I left my phone at home, took my fitbit off and run, with no plan, no destination, no maps. Just two feet and roads! In the end I run to Wylam and back via a massive hill. And something just hit me, O.K. first off don't worry I am not injured just has a light bulb moment. I haven't been doing any Christianity work, apart from going to church I tend to set aside ten minutes in the morning reading the bible and ten minutes in the evening. Recently, that came to a standstill. So as I was running and let my mind go off on one. I thought to myself, you know what I miss reading the bible and getting closer to God.

I like Lent, it gives us a chance to start new, with a new clean slate, though first of all you have confess any sins and receiving absolution. I have been taking part in Lent, again like last year I didn't give up something as I always found that my attention is not Jesus it's on that one particular thing that I gave up. Instead, I had the phrase 'What Would Jesus Do?' and do one thing for someone like sending them a card saying you miss them. Say hello to someone! Really simple things, but it can make a difference to that person who receives your kindness. In a way, it shows Jesus love.

Despite how it can often feel, Christianity is not about manufacturing suitable emotions.  Christianity is a statement of fact.  Christ reigns.  I do not.  However sinful I do or do not feel, Lent is a time of moving myself from a throne to a cross, in order that Christ may move from a cross to a throne.

We are now about to enter a week called, 'Holy Week,' we are reminded of what Jesus did for us and how His actions define Him. Because He rose from the grave, we know that Jesus is the author and perfecter of our lives. He is our security and significance.

I decided after I came back from my run, that I would be writing a series, called 'Journey to the cross.' I feel the name fit quite appropriately, since I am nowhere near the cross  and following Jesus. After all in holy week and easter as a whole we are reminded that Jesus died on the Cross for us, for our sins.

If you are interested in reading the 'Journey to the cross,' come back on the Sunday 25th March, I got a bit writing to do till then!!!!!!!!

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