Does that give you any hints. Oh, you don't want to know where I have been. You want to read what I have been up two for past several weeks. Well y'all are in luck.
Long flight
Time for the ten-hour flight. You might think Boring, I say no! Not really as I mostly slept on the plan until it was morning in Texas time. Therefore, I do not get jet lagged. Then read my book still Alice and wrote some poems in my notebook. Before I know I landed in Texas. Thank goodness, that Sarah and Robert had a piece of paper with name that says ‘Rebekah’ otherwise, I wouldn’t recognize them. We then drove to Ruth and Oswald’s house. This was about three thirty. I unpacked my suitcase then it was time to play golf. You want to know who won! Drum roll please. Are you sure you are ready? IT WAS ME! Yep, you read right, I won golf. I think that deserves some dinner. Don’t you?
Unexpected adventure
I was hoping for a relaxing day in, Sarah and Ruth went in town to get Ruth’s bike service while Oswald was making breakfast. Robert and I were fast in sleep until Ruth come back saying ‘Time for breakfast then cycling’ goody for breakfast. Are you saying cycling in 30 degrees heat? YUCK! However, when you think about it you can explore Houston with zero emissions, which means you are not polluting the world. The bike tour passed through some of the most fascinating and historic places in the city filled with lush and beautiful natural scenery and urban landscaping. The tour lasted tour hours though it was worthwhile as we went to Sabine Promenade located along the Buffalo Bayou Park. Since we cycled two hours in the 30 degrees heat, we got reward with the amazing cheeseburger at Stanton’s City Bites. In the late afternoon with a game of, heads up?
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Bacon and cheese burger |
Biggest museum in USA!

There are three bits to the museum of fine arts there is main campus where the art collections and exhibitions are presented primarily in the Museum’s two main gallery buildings: the Audrey Jones Beck Building and the Caroline Wiess Law Building. Connected by the underground Wilson Tunnel, these two locations also house the café, shop, library, Kinder Foundation Education Center, and Brown Auditorium Theater.
We also explored many exhibitions there is one I would like to share with y’all, which is the Cosmic Dialogues: Selections from the Latin American Collection.
A highlight is the reinstallation of La ciudad hidroespacial (The Hydrospatial City) by Gyula Kosice (born 1924). An audience favorite at the MFAH in 2009, this immersive, room-sized display is Kosice’s utopian vision of space architecture. The Hydrospatial City epitomizes the Argentinean artist’s pioneering use of innovative materials such as Plexiglas and illustrates his fundamental preoccupations with water, space, and the human condition. At a time when few paid attention to the physical depletion of the planet, The Hydrospatial City—begun in 1946 and completed in 1972—was both a sounding alarm and a poetic manifesto for survival in space.
Kosice’s masterpiece is displayed in dialogue with a selection of light-based structures by other Argentinean artists active in the Kinetic art movement in Europe. Cosmic Dialogues also draws from the Museum’s extensive holdings of masterworks by German-born Venezuelan artist Gego (1912–1994). In the 1960s and 1970s, she developed a structural method for drawing in space with a series of flexible, hanging net sculptures made of stainless-steel wire. Her work contrasts with examples by contemporary artists, such as Argentina's Gustavo Díaz (born 1969) and Mexico's Pablo Vargas Lugo (born 1968), who are concerned with issues of light and space.
Photos of the exhibition

Park time
Since later in the afternoon we were going to have three-hour car journey so Sarah can see her other sister Poppy in Dallas. Ruth thought about going to the parks have a walk. We explored the park called the Hermann Park. I love the Japanese gardens there were so spectacular. You got to admit?
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The picture above was Ruth's favorite bit of the garden! |
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Brays bayou |
Whereas others liked the brays bayou so do I.
Here is an interesting fact. Houston’s 2,500 miles of bayous and waterways are an integral part of its landscape giving the city its nickname “The Bayou City.” One early planner of Houston’s park system noted that the banks of Houston’s bayous were natural parks already. The banks of Brays Bayou in Hermann Park provide a natural setting for people and wildlife. The bayou runs for 31 miles, flowing eastward from Fort Bend County, through Hermann Park, to its confluence with the Houston Ship Channel, taking waters into Galveston Bay.
Then it was time for the three-hour journey to Dallas. It was originally only going to be Sarah, Robert oh and do not forget me. In addition, Ruth and Oswald came too. We had dinner out at Meso Maya.
Walking tour

In the afternoon, we did scavenger hunt there was bits we already discovered but it was good to review again and test our memory.
The adventure begins near the historic courthouse and takes you on a well-designed course among historic monuments, down through the streets of Fort Worth, among great artwork, the Water Gardens and other hidden gems of the city. There were a lot of walking involved but it had numerous stops along the route to complete challenges and decipher clues.
We used Robert’s smart phone as ‘the guide’ which allowed us the participants to start when we want and we determine our pace as we had some coffee and water not forgetting our ice creams plus a fantastic Texas BBQ.
The car journey back to Poppy’s house, with all the new information I learned and they walked me to sleep as I slept in the car.
Then in the evening, we had a cup of tea. In addition, we played games. You had Blake, Robert and Oswald playing mind trap. With Blake being the quiz master, well more reading the questions. Whereas Sarah, Poppy, Ruth and me a referee playing scrabble. Drum roll please. The winner was Oswald and Sarah.
What is the recognizable landmark in Dallas?
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Reunion tower |
Y’all should know this, it as to be the reunion tower. Reunion Tower is not just about seeing what is below from hundreds of feet in the air. It’s about expanding your horizons. That is not all we did, went to the Sixth floor Museum at Dealy Plaza.
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Amazing view of the city! |
So that was the morning. You can guess what we did in the afternoon. Indeed it was the Sixth floor Museum at Dealy Plaza. The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza chronicles the assassination and legacy of President John F. Kennedy; interprets the Dealey Plaza National Historic Landmark District and the John F. Kennedy Memorial Plaza; and presents contemporary culture within the context of presidential history.
At last a relaxing day
Well today is Sunday, so that means going to church. We went to Poppy and Blake's church the North Dallas community Baptist church and everyone made us very welcome. After we had church, we had a lovey roast dinner by Poppy and Sarah and I made a cake. Unfortunately when I decided to take a photo of the cake, it disappeared by magic. However, since it was very tasty I will make it again when I’m in the UK and this time I will I take a photo. If you want to know it was the Hummin' bird cake, I believe it's very popular in USA.
After a lovely cake and cup of coffee, it was time for an afternoon walk around the Dallas Klyde Warren Park.
Extreme day out
If you are scared of heights then don’t do bungee jump. Right! Oh, I so wish it was as simple as that. I saw everyone enjoyin' it. So I went out bad is it to conquer one of my fears. Yep! I did all the things you could do in the zero gravity park.
After all Texas about going big. So let’s the fun begin. Or more let you adrenaline going.
Let’s start with something tame. :Let’s start with the skycoaster. This sends you soarin' through the air at 60mph. On this ride, you pull your own ripcord, so the thrills don’t start until you’re absolutely ready for it. Well that is if you didn’t put Robert in charge. And he didn’t count to three to one.
Time for bungee jump, I was the last person to do. If I was O.K. doing the skycoaster then I should be fine doing the bungee jump. That’s the logic. I absolutely hated it was, jumping from seven-story permanent Air Bongo tower, a platform which is designed specifically for bungee. I much prefer siting in something and close my eyes so you can’t see anythin' and just feel. Than the others go ‘some classic thrills never go out of style.’ Thanks a lot. That helps. NOT!!
Time to scare Rebekah even more. You thing bungee jump was horrible. No, think again. We then went onto a scary thing called skyscrapper. Where else in Dallas can you whip 165 feet into the air at fighter jet speeds? It’s only happenin' at Zero Gravity Thrill Park. Why did I say yes I would conger my fear? So I went with Sarah on this thing was 165 foot propeller. Before long, the massive windmill picks up serious speed, up to 60 mph in just seconds. By the time Skyscraper reaches maximum velocity, you’ll be subjected to an incredible Four G’s of force. That’s more than a space shuttle takeoff!
As you come down from the adrenaline rush, we slow it up and treat you to a mesmerizing view of the Dallas skyline from 165 feet off the ground.
I ABSOLOTY HATED BUNGEE JUMP. Anythin' else can not be bad. Oh there was the nothin’ but net. I like the name of it, but not the ride. It lifts you to just below the top of the 16-story tower … and then simply let you go! That’s right – no bungee, no parachute, no straps. Just you, a 130-foot drop, and the safety net below.
One more thing, before I can relax and say to myself what a good dream I had. Blastoff it wasn’t a dream it was all real. Though I wish it was a dream. So last ride was called Blastoff. You’ve seen rides that shoot you into the sky before, but you’ve never seen anything like the Texas Blastoff. Extreme thangs to do in Dallas may not get any crazier than this! Think of it like a giant slingshot. The Texas Blastoff rockets you and a friend straight up 150 feet into the air with the speed of a Top Fuel dragster – zero to 70 in 1.2 seconds! But rather than fly straight back down, the four-bungee apparatus takes you on a topsy-turvy free fall. Be prepared for twists, turns and flips!
My adrenaline rush has finished for today. Thank goodness for that. I thank its time to go to sleep and say what a great experience I won’t ever do again unless it’s in my dream.
So what was my best thing out of this extreme day. My answer to that was nothing. But since everyone said come on there must be one thing. So I said O.K. it was the skycoaster it was just like a giant swin' just more scary.
For y’all people who like the adrenaline rides here is the video. Please let me know if this video works or not in the comments downstairs.
Read a book day!
Poppy fancied making the best American breakfast. Made pancakes then Sarah smelled some burnin' goin' on in the kitchen so she went and give Poppy a helpin' hand. Since you don’t know Sarah is a fantastic baker. So she rescued Poppy’s pancakes, they really weren’t that bad as Poppy made than out to be. So after out lovely breakfast made by Poppy with a helping hand of Sarah.. Sarah and I are going home, while Ruth Oswald and Robert wanted to explore more of Dallas.
I read my book the whole way. After we got back to Ruth’s house Sarah unpacked and read our books. I also packed my other things in the suitcase as I'm going home tomorrow. (Sad face) Then made a mocha cupcakes they are so tasty. Friends backs in the UK watch out, you may be cake out again.
Time for a long flight again
I was suppose to be back in UK on 19th August I'm a bit early due to the circumstance in life.
Back to the flight. I sat next to a lovely lady called Phillipa with a 18 son called Toby For some reason Toby wasn't comfortable on Phillipa lap. So I offered if you want Toby can come and sit on my lap. Don't know how this happened but when we started to take off he just fell asleep on me. It was a bit tricky to read my book though I somehow managed until Toby kept fidgetin' than I talked to Phillipa.
I came back home Thursday early afternoon about 2:00. I did made cakes the some ones that Sarah and I made. As they are so delicious. I was greeted with the rain once again. I wish there was a thang called holiday sick as you sometimes get home sick. I already missed USA. I would love to live in Seattle near the Alki beach.
So do you know where I been now? Of course Texas
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