Good heavens, I can't believe autumn is upon is upon us once again.
This month was the most difficult month settling in a new environment and getting my bearings. I know the metro center, Eldon square, Ryton of course and the next village along from where I live which is Crawcrock, Winlaton and Blaydon. Any where else is a complete mystery to me apart from Corbridge and Hexham. This month is where we get back to normality apparently! Though is there really such thing as normality?
I started my new college course. I thoroughly enjoying it. Getting the hang off Abode Photoshop. I have had a workshop doing a Low poly. If you're not familiar with the term, you've certainly seen the style. Simple geometric shapes placed side-by-side to create angular minimalist compositions. The "poly" from low poly comes from the word "polygon," which is a merely a 2-dimensional shape made of straight lines and angles. I have been getting messy with paint by doing Jason Pollock Art. And much more great fun. Plus I met some lovely people and made great friends.
I have days where I finish early so use this time to explore the city or go for a walk by the Quay Side. My Fridays is where I try out a new cafes or coffee shops and read my book. I have been reading books like there is no tomorrow.
I have entered my first ever photo competition and received positive feedback. It was good to see other people photo's and how I can improve to become a better photographer. Well you can only go up!
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Well done! You have found a snowdog. |
My Dad had a weekend away doing kite bugging at Camber Sand with his friend from work. Yep that's a thing! So Mum and I had a lovely girly weekend to ourselves. Which involved, going to the town and doing the Great North Snowdogs trail with my Mum friend from school and her daughter. Where you have an app on your phone and you become a tourist in your own city. You have to find 50 snowdogs some are big and small which are dotted around Tyne & Wear, Then we decided to watch a film on Sunday. Whatever you do, do not trust me to pick a film for you to watch!! As my Mum found out. It was between Bridget Jones or Bad Mom's. I decided to watch Bad Moms now I think Bridget Jones would be a better suitable choice. Then had dinner out and my favorite place to eat Wagamama's.
When the great north run happened this year. Parents and I went to Open Heritage, we went to to the old power station for trams called CastleGate though it used to be called Manors Power station.
I won't bore you with the history. Though if you wish to look into it then here it the website.
Quote of the month:
Me: Next year I am going to do the Great North Run
Mum: Me too
Me: Dad are you going to do the great north run?
Dad: yes!!!!!
Dad: We are talking about the helicopter. Right?
Me: No!!!!!!!!!! The actually running the half marathon.
Right, if I put it on here it means I got no where to back out. Right! I love running and doing my bit to help others in need. I am going to run the great north run marathon next year. It would be a shame not to since you get to the beauty of Tyne & Wear especially when the event is right on my door step. I already started training to get ready to run from nothing (haven't been running since some time in winter of 2016) to running a half marathon. Watch this space for my updates on my running process.
September was the month where I was between three houses. You don't hear that often. Do you?
I just got settled in Ryton and now it time to move across the river to Newcastle in Westerhope. I'm looking forward to put some roots down and being all settled completely. So watch this space for another tour around the house with Roger. Though this time you wouldn't see random things in weird place or boxes.
Now if you could please excuse me, while I just finish the packing. For my last move for a while. So you might find yourself refreshing the browser a couple of times before another blog post makes a appearance.
Hi, This is a great monthly wrap up even though you forget to write about me! I hope the move went/goes well. Happy unpacking boxes!!!!!!! I will be refreshing my browser for the tour of your new house with you and Rodger both of you make such a great hosts. Much loved, Cherry. PS, What is normality? Is having cake every morning counts normality?