There is nothing like the season of fallen leaves, rainy days and hours spent at home with a warm drink and a good book. While most people complain about the rain and long for summer cheerfulness where as I truly thrive in the fall season.
First reason why I like Autumn because it is less crowded outside. I am not a fan of going out in the common sense of this world such as clubbing or hanging out with a company of friends. However, I like the outdoor activities too-they are just different from what most people prefer.
If you are like me an introvert, you would probably love to take a walk in a shady park or sit in a quiet cafe near by, enjoying a cup of aromatic coffee and reading your book. Still, in Summer, a peaceful walk often turns into a struggle for survival among the crowds of noisy kids and loud teenagers.
In autumn, things change: children start a new school year and people of all ages spend more time indoors. How fascinating it is to roam deserted streets on a rainy day and watch colourful leaves fall.........
Second reason I like autumn because I have a good excuse to stay at home. The fact that people now spend less time outside has one more benefits for those introverts. It becomes more generally accepted if someone prefers to stay at home, which means that I don't have to explain myself all the time. Also it means that I don't get invited to social occasions the same often as in summer. But even where I am, there is always a good and plausible excuse, such as bad weather or being sick with a cold. So I can enjoy the quiet of my house and get involved in my favorite activities while listening to the calming sounds of falling drops.
Another reason why I love autumn because of the special atmosphere it brings. This season has long been a source of creative inspiration for poets, writes and artists. Watching nature's gorgeous transformation is enough to give me fresh ideas and new insight, no matter what way I use to release my creative energy. I.e. taking a picture of the tree and write a blog post about why I love autumn.
Autumn provokes reflection and teaches us important life lesson. It reminds me of the eternal cycle of existence and inspires me to embrace the change. It shows me how important it is to let go in order to make a fresh start and teaches me to accept the transition to a different stage in life. All these lesson we can learn from nature in autumn are great food for thought and reflection-something that I do certainly appreciate.
Lastly autumn is a perfect time for solitude and solo activities. Loud summer with its open parties, group activities and crowded beaches is over. Autumn is a realm of thoughtfulness, solitude and beautiful sadness. It's a season when the time seems to slow down, just like everything in nature. And that's exactly why I love autumn-it allows me to recharge my batteries after the summer adventures and enjoy alone time doing my favorite activities.
So what are you waiting for? Make yourself a cup of herbal tea, take a book you've long wanted to read and enjoy the coziness of your home this autumn.
how much do you love blue tac - Rebecca