Autumn is my favourite time of year. With all the lovely colours of the trees from green to these lovely orange and redish colour with a bit of colour. If I took this photo a bit earlier I could enter this photo in the elements competition. I like Autumn not only because of the lovely colour of nature but that it is socially acceptable to decline to meet up with people as it is to cold and it is more inviting to stay at home with a nice hot coco and read a book.
I was thinking of not blogging until I am more settled in my house. Though it means my lovely friends and family and any other readers that read this blog (which I say hello to) wouldn't know what I have been up to. Unless you ask me, What did you get up to in October? An answer might be something like this, nothing much really had friends over and family this is a rather vague answer and this month been hectic right from the 1st.
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Dad posing as the angle of the north |
This month been full of seeing old friends and seeing my lovely family. I had my grandparents over for a flying weekend get to see some of Newcastle gems. Unfortunately I won't be telling you them I like Newcastle far too much without the tourists. Though I did get to see the Angel of the North. I had my boyfriend though not together because of the move though we are still very close together.
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This is what you get when you have a friend (Hanna) take over the laptop. Mind the quality of this image!!!! |
I had a week back in South at a lovely time catching up with my close friends one of which is called Hanna some odd reason she wants a mention on this blog. Don't know why. As I put a mention on this blog as requested I better also mention Alex on here from my college course. I just can't resist to put this quote from Geoffrey Chaucer “Patience is a conquering virtue.”
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Grandma and Seth deciding on what Caravan to have! |
Auntie Clare and Tired Seth |
I had a good morning/afternoon with my friend Hanna which we had a shopping trip to Baskingstoke no books in hand. It had to happen someday. Though I managed to get two designer clothing without even trying one jumper and one top from charity shops. Why spend a fortune when you might only wear once? When you can get something from charity shop that is designer for less and you doing your bit for charity.
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Oh I do like to be by the sea side |
I had a lovely time with my friends which you can tell as I forget to take a picture. It was weird to pass the house that I lived in for over 10 years that is no longer my home. Though home is where the heart is. I met up with Tia and Lawrence and had a lovely hot coco (sorry for the mess I made Tia) then went out for lunch in local pub that I used to live then had a walk up to Crowthrone for a deserved coffee then it was time to go back to my grandparents.
Quote of the month
Auntie Clare: "Seth where did we go shopping, Seth?Seth: "Tiddles" (Meaning Lidl)
What I am thankful for this month
- Having lovely friends
- Been to the Dentist with clean dental health
- Having a garden though the weather is not right to be siting outside
BOO! Ha, gotcha. I can't believe it's the end of October. I just can't. I'm kind of sad as October is one of my favorite months. I must say though, i'm really looking forward to November, because then it is practically December which means CHRISTMAS, it's the best! Also, is it socially acceptable to start singing Christmas songs yet? PLEASE SAY IT IS!!!!!
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